I came into this world, according to my mother, a cold morning of January 3rd ago ... (A few years now). Was at 9 am and on Sundays. Something strange is why I do not like days early and less on saving!
My childhood was peaceful and happy and I remember that very young I made up stories I wrote and illustrated later, as I could, I suppose.
Then came the typical study and work hard ... \"It must be done\", but always combined with small forays into art, which was what \"really wanted to do\" either by visiting various museums, participating in competitions or attending classes in drawing and painting (with the painter Jose Sabadell, Barcelona ...). David Izquierdo
Until one day in 1998 a miracle happened and I knew Baztán, \"by chance \"and why I took a course of painting outdoors to see the advertisement placed by a school in Madrid in an art magazine.
That was, without my knowing, my downfall because for 2006 and I\'d love Baztán and started to attend courses with José María Apezetxea, my friends and teachers, held every summer here.
In 2008 I left the newspaper La Vanguardia, where he worked for moved permanently to Erratzu. Today I devote myself entirely to finish psychology, painting and drawing classes to children.
And here we are. Fighting, which is something, to do what I like and survive.